Dungeon Defenders Wiki

The Bouncer Blockade is a Squire/Countess defense unlocked at level 3.

It knocks back and damages nearby enemies. In Redux, the bouncer has improved health scaling, damage scaling and aggro generation.


While it has less health and costs an additional Defense Unit than the Spike Blockade, the Bouncer is a capable melee attacker. It can knock out most enemies on its own, either through raw damage or sending them into pits. It is ineffective against Dark Elf Archers and Mages whom prefer to attack from a distance.

On Nightmare and Ascension, Bouncers on their own are rendered useless against Djinn, charging Sharken and Goblin Copters.

Squire-Only Strategies[]

For more strategic usage, Bouncer Blockades can be used to push and hold enemies at the bottom of a flight of stairs. This may prove effective when paired with stronger defenses such as the Bowling Ball Turret, where it's Bowling Balls benefit from the momentum gained from rolling down the stairs.

A Harpoon Turret paired with Bouncer Blockades placed in front of it can maximise the potential of its penetrating projectiles, whilst positioning itself away from direct melee attacks.

On maps such as the Castle Armory and the Tree of Life, where walkways often have no fences protecting against environmental hazards (lava, spikes, falling off ledges),

Bouncer Blockades can be strategically placed to push enemies into these hazards, instantly killing them.

Stat Scaling[]

  • Stats measurements taken in Redux without upgrades or extra buffs.
  • All Squire towers have 1.625x more health and attack damage on Nightmare and Ascension.

PC Scaling[]

Defense Stat Health Damage Attack Rate (Sec.)
0 (Base) 866 176 3.15
1 1279 254 2.82
2 2125 436 2.36
3 3645 793 1.94
4 5594 1271 1.66
5 8094 1909 1.46

Console Scaling[]

Defense Stat Health Damage Attack Rate (Sec.)
0 (Base) 588 112 3.80
1 1003 231 2.82
2 1411 363 2.36
3 2089 610 1.94
4 2821 907 1.66
5 3641 1273 1.46


  • The Bouncer Blockade's attack range is always 3.25. This is unaffected by the builder's stats and all effects that increase range.

Version History[]


  • ?: Health scaling, damage scaling and aggro radius increased.

