The Bowling Ball Turret, is a Squire and Countess defense. It has the longest range and highest potential attack rate of all Squire towers.
It drops stone balls over a very narrow firing cone. These balls respect gravity and collision physics and crumble after six (6) ricochets off of enemies or surfaces. No more than 30 projectiles can be present per turret, though this limit is rarely ever reached.
In Redux, the bowling balls have a higher initial velocity.
On flat or downhill terrain, this turret is very effective at blocking bottlenecks; the knockback effect makes it work like a Bouncer Blockades, but often without taking damage. Since it has barely any area of effect, it is best supported by a harpoon or other AoE tower. Care must be taken in placement to avoid having the balls bounce backwards, off of railings, or through uneven terrain.
Stat Scaling[]
- Stats measurements taken without extra buffs.
- All Squire towers have 1.625x more health and attack damage on Nightmare and Ascension.
Upgrade Table[]
- Numbers taken here are without applied skill points or Nightmare & Ascension difficulty buffs or active builder bonus.
- * Indicates Redux
- Since this turret's projectiles are affected by gravity, it struggles to damage flying opponents. However, its increased projectile velocity in Redux has shown to be advantageous against the Wasp Queen, provided that a sturdy hero can keep her close to relatively flat ground.
- On Console, with 241 tower rate and a 20 boost Huntress Guardian, the tower will attack at 0.10 seconds.
Version History[]
Trendy Updates[]
- 7.07: Bowling Ball Projectiles velocity-loss/expiration time fixed so that they can travel as far as the tower's Attack Range.
- ?: Projectile speed increased.
- Patch 1 ( Moraggo )
- Damage reduced by 25%.