Dungeon Defenders Wiki
Redux Only Content
Information on this page or section is specific to the DD1 Redux branch on PC.

The Damage Totem is a Barbarian support defense introduced in Dungeon Defenders Redux. It emits a red aura that boosts the damage of all heroes within a radius by up to 1.50x max. It loses health overtime in a similar way to auras in combat.

Its potency scales with the builder's Hero Damage stat, while its health scales with Siphon Stance and its range off of Lightning Stance.

Like the Speed Totem, the Damage Totem costs 100 mana and 8 Defense Units to place.

Stat Scaling[]

Stat Health Damage Multiplier Range
0 (Base) ? ? ?
1 ? ? ?

Fully Upgraded[]

Stat Health Damage Multiplier Range
0 (Base) ? ? ?
1 ? 1.50 (Cap) ?


  • The Damage Totem's Hero Damage increase can only be raised through upgrades after its initial placement.
  • It does not stack with Call to Arms. Whichever damage boost is greater takes precedence.


  • Due to its limited range, this totem is best placed in areas players will often stand near whilst attacking enemies. The effect radius can be expanded by a Tower Buff Beam touching the totem itself, a Monk Guardian or Remote Defense Boost.
  • Sharing with auras, the totem's effect radius can be downscaled during placement and it cannot be placed where its range overlaps with another Damage Totem.