Dungeon Defenders Wiki
Defense Health

The Defense Health stat, also known as Fortify, determines the amount of hit points a hero's defenses will have.

It also affects the duration of Gas, Inferno and Darkness Trap charges and (in Redux) debuffs from certain towers.


  • The Tower Buff Beam itself has no health system. The amount of damage resistance it provides to boosted towers is affected by this stat.
  • For the Barbarian, Siphon Stance's effectiveness is determined by this stat: the rate its mana cost rises and what percent of his max HP every melee strike restores. In Redux, Defense Health affects the lifespan of Damage Totems too.
  • Having a Defense Health stat < 0 (negative) will be the same as if it was zero.

Nonlinear regression of defense health values from 0 to 60 suggests a multiplier like this:

sqrt(1.05 x + 0.84)

though this is not perfect fit

Hero Stats Tower Stats Action Wheel Hero Menu

Player Health Player Damage Player Speed Player Rate

Defense Health Defense Damage Defenseaoe Defense Rate

Build Menu Icon Upgrade Icon Repair Icon Sell Icon

Heal Self Icon Detonate Icon Hero Info Icon
