Dungeon Defenders Wiki

The Defense Range stat (Defense Area of Effect in-game) determines the effective range of a hero's defenses.

Fixed Range Stats[]


  • For Series EV, this stat is specified to increase the stun time of her Shock Beams, but it also affects the range boost given by Tower Buff Beams and the SAM Unit's attack range.
  • For the Barbarian, this stat improves the effectiveness of Lightning Stance (and the Damage Totem's effective range in Redux).
  • Having a Defense Area of Effect stat < 0 (negative) will be the same as if it was zero.
  • The Jester's Move Tower ability treats a selected defense as if she was summoning it. The lower her Defense Range is, the more flexibility she has moving traps, auras and Damage Totems with large radii.
Hero Stats Tower Stats Action Wheel Hero Menu

Player Health Player Damage Player Speed Player Rate

Defense Health Defense Damage Defenseaoe Defense Rate

Build Menu Icon Upgrade Icon Repair Icon Sell Icon

Heal Self Icon Detonate Icon Hero Info Icon
