Endless Spires is the semifinal map of the classic campaign.
Good Tip from comments[]
With a mid level squire on console (50-70 tower squire) this is easy on insane. When you spawn grab the chests. With it go to the stairs leading to the crystals. Put a bowling ball on each side. Then go north to the double choke point, spinner here. Change to dps. Start game. Collect mana. With the mana build a harpoon looking straight north where the two crystals are. ( facing out into the sky, both crystals, you should be able to build right on the edge of the crystals platform. Do this to both sides. Then put harpoons on the left or right side of those crystals, make sure they don't face north in the minimal, you want south, like an L. Then set another bowl ball by the beginning ones to make a set. Start the match, after get the mana and put harpoons flowering the crystals, not the one lane, but the two south, where the two harpoons are. Then watch for ogres.
- On Console, this is the second hardest map on Insane+ Pure Strategy because of the wyverns.
In Other Dungeon Defenders Games[]
Endless Spires is the Act 2 Encore map of in Awakened, placed after Throne Room.