Dungeon Defenders Wiki

The Evil Heroes, also known as Antiheroes, are enemies formally introduced in the Crystalline Dimension, where they are identified as Crystalline Heroes.

Evil heroes come in many forms. Normal-sized Apprentices, Squires, Huntresses and Monks are the most common antiheroes.


All evil heroes attack visible heroes and defenses; almost all of them cannot damage Eternia Crystals. Most possess a single class-specific ability, such as Mana Bomb, and can heal themselves when not taking damage. They will only use their special ability if a player is close by. However, Barbarians will use Hawk Stance on defenses too. When attacked by a hero or tangible defense, they may jump in attempt to avoid further damage.

Evil heroes, even when not a boss themselves, have similar total immunities: knockback, slow and stun effects, oil, webs and the Wheel O' Fortuna.

By Hero Class[]

Evil Apprentice[]

Evil Apprentices fire uncharged magic bolts in a horizontal fan spread. They never use their staff's knockback attack. They will cast Mana Bomb on players at melee range when ready. The bomb has a reduced cooldown, but is not lethal (generally speaking).

Evil Squire and Barbarian[]

Squires and Barbarians often approach their target in order to attack at melee range. They attack players with Circular Slice and Hawk Stance respectively, though Barbarians will use their ability when targeting a defense too.

Evil Huntress, Ranger and Series EV[]

The Huntress, Ranger and Series EV as enemies constantly shoot at targets within their firing range, only pausing when they need to reload. Like Dark Elf Mages, they will try to back away if a player gets too close. Huntresses will occasionally fire a Piercing Shot when targeting a player.

In Vanilla and at the moment in Redux, a single evil Ranger and 20 Series EVs only appear as bosses in the Polybius gauntlet and Lab Assault challenge respectively. The Ranger can turn himself invisible, whereas the EVs have no secondary abilities.

Evil Monk[]

Monks alternate between melee and ranged attacks. They do not have any activated abilities.


Crystalline Antiheroes[]

These opponents spawn on missions that take place in the Crystalline Dimension. In the original challenge and Resurgence series, they spawn at the start of every wave. They will respawn after a delay if killed and do not contribute to wave progression. Which antiheroes spawn and how many can exist on the map at once is dictated by each player's 'active' hero and the number of players in the game session. This includes dead heroes.

Player Hero Evil Hero
Apprentice TinyIconSorceress tinyIconJester TinyIcon

Apprentice, Adept or Jester

CrystalApprentice minimapiconCrystalline Apprentice
Squire TinyIconLadyKnight tinyIconBarbarian tinyIcon

Squire, Countess or Barbarian

CrystalSquire minimapiconCrystalline Squire
Huntress TinyIconHunter TinyiconRobo TinyIcon

Huntress, Ranger or Series EV

CrystalHuntress minimapiconCrystalline Huntress
Monk TinyIconMonkette tinyIconSummoner TinyIcon

Monk, Initiate or Summoner

CrystalMonk minimapiconCrystalline Monk

Crystalline heroes appear as bosses in Crystal Cave and Returnia - Part 5. They cannot respawn after defeat.

Other Antiheroes[]

Non-Crystalline evil heroes are encountered during several challenges and on some maps with a Campaign. With the exception of "The Greater Turkey Hunt!" and Winter Mire Campaign (not counting Mr. or Mrs. Santa Claus), all of these heroes are finite. Other missions with evil heroes include: "Halloween Spooktacular 2!" and Temple O' Love on the final wave, "Halloween Spooktacular 3!," Winter Wonderland, Silent Night and Temple of Polybius.

Giant Apprentice[]

The Giant Apprentice is the boss of Magus Citadel. He spawns at the southeast corner of the map. He carries the Arch Mage's Blade Staff and fires its projectiles in the weapon's actual hexagon formation. Unlike all other evil heroes, the Giant Apprentice can damage Eternia Crystals with his staff's shots. His Mana Bomb takes significantly longer to cast than most normal-sized enemy Apprentices, but it is extremely deadly. The bomb will OHKO most heroes at point-blank range, even if the boss is under a Strength Drain Aura. If he falls off the map, he will teleport right back to where he originally spawned.


Annatar is an additional boss first added to Palantir in Redux. He spawns shortly after the golden Demon Lord's defeat. This Super Legendary Knight possesses a white aura that does constant damage to all heroes and defenses inside it. Heroes caught within it also have their movement speed reduced. Annatar can furthermore teleport to one of five corners of the map; he will always warp after taking ~1/12 of his max HP in damage.


Mischief is an enlarged Ninja Monk fought at the very end of the Polybius gauntlet. He wields a supercharged Mischief Maker, granting him tremendous melee knockback and a mass-volley ranged attack of which ALL projectiles leave behind deadly lingering pools of fire. Mischief can also teleport and regenerates health every second (250,000 on Nightmare).

Emerald Monk[]

The Emerald Monk is a Super Legendary Monk fought on The Striking Tree. He spawns at the portal located behind the map's Forge. He possesses extremely powerful melee and ranged attacks. The aura he emits has varying effects, depending on its current color.


  • On console, Evil Squires, Apprentices and Huntresses can damage Eternia Crystals.

Version History[]

Vanilla (PC)[]

  • 9.4.0: Added Annatar to Palantir Campaign.
  • 9.0: Added Emerald Monk.
  • CDT Update 7: Added Giant Apprentice.
  • CDT Update ?: Added Mischief.
  • Part 4: Sky City: Introduced.

