Dungeon Defenders Wiki

The Magic Missile Tower (MM) is the first tower available to the Apprentice and Adept.

It has a low cost of 40 mana and 3 Defense Units. It fires non-elemental projectiles at a fast rate. However, each shot can only hit a single target, limiting its use against the large quantities of mobs typically found on higher difficulty levels.

In Redux, this tower has increased damage scaling and its projectiles travel faster.

Stat Scaling[]

  • Stats measurements taken without extra buffs.
  • All mage towers have 1.625x more health and attack damage on Nightmare and Ascension.

Upgrade Table[]

  • Numbers taken here are without applied skill points or Nightmare & Ascension difficulty buffs or active builder bonus.


  • * Indicates Redux
Level Health Damage Range Attack Rate (Sec.) Mana To Upgrade
Base 724 90 7.36 2.19 40
TowerUpgraded 1 1062 126 7.94 1.87 100
TowerUpgraded 2 1743 203 9,04 1.45 200
TowerUpgraded 3 2949 345 10.49 1.08 400
TowerUpgraded 4 4479 524 11.74 0.86 700
TowerUpgraded 5 6423 752 12.92 0.71 1220


Level Health Damage Range Attack Rate (Sec.) Mana To Upgrade
Base 319 35 6.50 1.40 40
TowerUpgraded 1 544 60 7.94 0.96 100
TowerUpgraded 2 766 85 9,04 0.77 200
TowerUpgraded 3 1134 125 10.49 0.60 400
TowerUpgraded 4 1531 169 11.74 0.49 700
TowerUpgraded 5 1976 218 12.92 0.42 1220


  • On the Xbox 360 version, a Defense Attack Rate of 385 makes the Magic Missile fire 3 times/second.

In Other Dungeon Defenders Games[]

The Magic Missile in Dungeon Defenders: Awakened shoots faster projectiles over a 360°-range that expands by a flat percent every time the tower is upgraded. Its DU cost has also been reduced from 3 to 2.

Version History[]


  • ?: Increased damage scaling and projectile speed.



  • At .00 Attack Speed, the tower bounces between 31 and 33 shots/second.
Magic Missile Tower shot

