Dungeon Defenders Wiki
Redux Only Content
Information on this page or section is specific to the DD1 Redux branch on PC.

The Mortar Turret is a Squire/Countess defense introduced in Dungeon Defenders: Redux. It is unlocked at level 35.

It fires gravity-affected bombs from a relatively short range, dealing high generic splash damage to enemies caught in the explosion.

This is currently the most expensive Squire defense, beating out the Slice N Dice Blockade by 10 mana. It also has the highest single-target DPS of all Squire towers.

Stat Scaling[]

  • Stats measurements taken in Redux without upgrades or extra buffs.
  • All Squire towers have 1.625x more health and attack damage on Nightmare and Ascension.
Defense Stat Health Damage Range Attack Rate (Sec.)
0 (Base) ? ? ? ?
1 ? ? ? ?


  • If a Mortar Turret's range is too far, it may fail to hit distant targets.

Version History[]

  • ?: Introduced.

