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The Oil Trap is a Huntress/Ranger defense unlocked at level 20.
It functions similar to a Proximity Mine, though does less than half of its damage in exchange to temporarily coat all non-boss enemies caught in the explosion in oil. Oiled enemies take up to 1.5x fire damage from all sources. The oil's duration scales with Defense Health, while its potency scales with Defense Damage and maxes out at 6.3k.
While weak on its own, the Oil Trap excels in-conjunction with fire-based defenses, weapons, hero abilities and pets, as well as Spider and/or Spider Queen Minions whose webs DO stack, tripling the amount of fire damage crippled enemies take. Even Ogres and Cyclopes are vulnerable to this debuff combo.
Stat Scaling[]
- Stat measurements taken without upgrades or additional buffs.
- On Nightmare and Ascension, all traps have 25% less charges and deal 35% more damage.
Defense Stat | Charges | Max Damage | Detonation/Blast Radius | Reset Time (Sec.) |
0 (Base) | ? | ? | ?/? | ? |
1 | ? | ? | ?/? | ? |
Oil Debuff[]
The duration and potency of oil scale off of Defense Health and Damage respectively.
Defense Stat | Duration (Sec.) | Fire Damage Multiplier |
0 (Base) | ? | ? |
1 | ? | ? |
6300+ | ? | 1.50 (Cap) |
- While the Oil Trap allows Mage Minions to deal increased damage, it also makes them more likely to be targeted directly by Ogres and Cyclopes. This can get problematic on Fields 1-3 of the Crystalline Dimension, where minions are often placed in straight-line formations to the side of each Eternia Crystal.
- When manually detonated on a target dummy (ex: in the Tavern), the oil coating is not displayed.
- Neither Evil Heroes or bosses can be oiled.
- Oil Traps share a similar attack rate to Proximity Mines, leading them to burn through charges relatively fast. It may not be ideal to expand its detection radius with a buff beam, as its reset time will also be shortened.
- Combined with Inferno Traps (and a Strength Drain Aura or Darkness Trap to remove elemental immunities), enemy Spiders can be burnt to a crisp in seconds, long before they have a chance to web any heroes or towers.
Version History[]
- ?: Fixed target dummies not receiving the Oiled debuff.
- ?: Introduced.
- This trap is inspired by an ability the Huntress possesses in Dungeon Defenders II.
- Its functionality is further reflected in Terraria which shares crossover content with DD2. If the player is wearing the Huntress or Red Riding Hood armor set, their Explosive Trap sentries oil enemies hit which causes them to take more damage overtime from fire-based debuffs.