Dungeon Defenders Wiki

The Sell Defense icon allows players to sell a nearby hero defense in exchange for mana. The amount returned depends on its original cost and current health. More mana cannot be salvaged from upgraded defenses.

It is accessed through the Action Wheel by default.


  • The player gets a full refund for selling a defense built during the same Build Phase (assuming it is at full health and has not been upgraded).
  • Players can only sell defenses they built, unless the host enables the Escape Menu option to allow anyone to sell anybody's defenses.
  • If any defense boosted by a Tower Buff Beam is sold during a Combat Phase, the Buff Beam will go down.


Trendy Updates[]

  • 7.09
    • Fixed a selling-tower exploit.
Hero Stats Tower Stats Action Wheel Hero Menu

Player Health Player Damage Player Speed Player Rate

Defense Health Defense Damage Defenseaoe Defense Rate

Build Menu Icon Upgrade Icon Repair Icon Sell Icon

Heal Self Icon Detonate Icon Hero Info Icon
