Dungeon Defenders Wiki


A brave knight‐in‐training, the Squire upholds the honor and nobility of his kingdom with every slice of his blade. Building defenses of brute force the Squire prefers melee weapons as his instruments of justice. Bludgeoning spikes and whirling blades unleash the rage he bestows upon his foes.


* Spike BlockadeSpike Blockade - A Reinforced Blockade that is sure to cause a sharp pain to enemies who touch it. Uses 3 defence units

* Bouncer BlockadeBouncer Blockade - This spiked blockade thrusts enemies back with ferocious force. Uses 4 defence units

* Harpoon TurretHarpoon Turret - Penetrating its foes, this turret launches deadly arrows that damage rows of enemies at a time. Uses 6 defence units

* Bowling Ball TurretBowling Ball Turret - This stationary turret launches steel balls that bounce off of enemies and surfaces within its sights. Uses 7 defence units

* Slice N Dice BlockadeSlice N Dice Blockade - This monumental blockade takes time to spin up but it quickly cuts down waves of enemies with its whirling blades. Uses 8 defence units


* Circle SliceCircle Slice ‐ Unleash a devastating 360‐degree circular assault against all enemies around you

* Blood RageBlood Rage ‐ Rage courses through your veins causing you to dramatically enhance your speed and damage while active.

Weapon Skills

* General DamageMelee Combo ‐ The Squire can unleash a 3‐hit combo with each attack dealing more damage and range than the previous one.

* Blocking ResistanceBlock ‐ The Squire can raise his guard to protect from incoming frontal attacks, drastically reducing the damage he takes from them. However, he cannot move or attack while blocking.

Trivia information

In the game's source code , a hidden function to autocreate characters was made , with 1 class for each class , the name for the squire class character is 'SirDave' , found in DunDefHeroManager.uc .

Gameplay Trailer

