Dungeon Defenders Wiki
Dungeon Defenders Wiki

A Trap is a hero defense type utilized by both the Huntress and Ranger. Unlike other hero defenses, traps have a limited number of detonation charges. Once a trap runs out of charges it disappears, similar to an aura's health degeneration.

Traps are non-physical hero defenses which cannot be directly destroyed by enemies. They typically feature a delayed detonation and reset time. For more strategic gameplay, traps can also be manually detonated by players using the Detonate action.


  • The number of detonation charges is determined by Defense Health.
  • The effectiveness of a trap (stun duration, elemental removal duration or damage value) is determined by Defense Base Damage.
  • The detonation radius is determined by Defense Area of Effect.
  • The trap reset time between detonations is determined by Defense Attack Rate.
  • Two of the same trap cannot be placed with their detection areas overlapping each other. Although, it is possible to make the traps overlap by building/upgrading Tower Buff Beams after placing the traps.
  • The detonation range of traps can be adjusted with the +/- keys during placement. A smaller detonation circle may be more efficient to maximizing the amount of enemies affected per detonation, but a fast enemies will be more likely to get passed the trap.
  • Djinn are able to destroy traps.
  • All traps except Gas Traps can affect wyverns, but only Ethereal Spike Traps are able to detect them.

Version History[]

  • 7.14a
    • Fixed Zero-Damage Traps on Nightmare
  • 7.16b
    • Darkness Traps now affect Ogres with immunity removal and now cost 3 DUs
  • 7.20
    • Fixed issue where Traps would become weaker in various ways if you died in Hardcore mode and your player character disappeared. Also fixes Upgrade Detonation Count decreasing issue with Traps after the player was destroyed (where Upgrading could result in a Det Count decrease).
  • 7.22

