Dungeon Defenders Wiki
Dungeon Defenders Wiki

Upgrade Defense is a hero action that allows players to spend mana to upgrade a nearby defense, increasing its stats and fully repairing it. The action's default hotkey is [5] on PC.


A single defense can be upgraded up to five times, with every level requiring more mana and a longer casting period to complete. In order to fully upgrade a tower, the active hero must be at least level 60.

Upgrade Level Mana Cost Required Hero Level
TowerUpgraded 1 100 4
TowerUpgraded 2 200 9
TowerUpgraded 3 400 19
TowerUpgraded 4 700 34
TowerUpgraded 5 1220 60

Target Priority[]

On PC, the player's cursor will be automatically placed over an upgradable defense in range when this ability is activated. If there is more than one valid target, the least upgraded and closest defense is prioritized. Additionally, Tower Buff Beams are prioritized over all other defenses. In Vanilla, this priority can be adjusted through a config file inside the game's folders.

Other Methods[]

In Other Dungeon Defenders Games[]

Awakened has a more sophisticated upgrade priority system by default than DD1 on PC.

  • Upgrading a hero defense increases its damage by 10% per level and its health, lifespan or detonation count by 20%. A fully upgraded defense will have +50% damage and +100% health/lifespan/detonation count.
  • On the other hand, upgrading a defense treats as if the builder's Range and Defense Rate stats were higher. A level 1 turret receives a +2 bonus, while a level 5 turret gets +36.
Hero Stats Tower Stats Action Wheel Hero Menu

Player Health Player Damage Player Speed Player Rate

Defense Health Defense Damage Defenseaoe Defense Rate

Build Menu Icon Upgrade Icon Repair Icon Sell Icon

Heal Self Icon Detonate Icon Hero Info Icon
